Course Preview
Welcome to the 101 Class called "Build It." And I just want to give you a quick preview of some of the major concepts we will be talking about in this course. I want you to keep in mind. We're not actually going to start designing your website on the computer until several lessons ahead.
The first part of this course is going to be off the computer. First, we'll be talking about setting up SMART goals for your website. Part of setting up your SMART goals is deciding which course of action you want your visitor to take when they get to your website. Then we will be talking about marketing, where you will envision the perfect visitor to your website based on their age, gender, what job they have, where they live, and their interests. Then you are going to take that vision and put it down on paper with as little or as much detail as you want. You want to have a good picture of that ideal client you want coming to your website. Then we will get out the Post-it Notes and some good old-fashioned pen and paper and start deciding on the things you want to have on your website. Then I will be going on to the fast track of website building. And that is using Wix artificial design intelligence to create your website within 15 minutes. This is for those of you who want to make a great website fast, and then I will show you how to further customize the website Wix artificially made for you.
Then we'll take a dive into some of the Wix templates that are offered, and you'll figure out how to choose the right templates for your website. Then we'll take a close look at the Wix power editor, where you can customize your website even further by adding pages, changing the images, changing the fonts, adjusting the colors, until you get a great-looking website that meets the needs of your business.
In the last part of the course, we'll talk about publishing your website. And the first part will be deciding on a domain name and extension, and then we'll have a brief discussion on web hosting and deciding on where your website is going to be built.
We'll then talk about the "easy button" that I call the "publish" button that you'll find on your Wix site. Remember, just like anything in life, what you put into this course is what you'll get out of it. Make sure you do the assignments, make sure you're involved in the discussion groups, and remember, I'm here if you have any questions along this process.
So get out your favorite snack and drink, and your notebook paper to take notes, be ready to engage, because this is going to be an incredible time that we have together. Let's get started.